The WHY?

Like many other women, society had taught us to push our babies out wrong as if we have a bowel movement to hold our breath as we push. This pushing technique causes a lot of medical issues from:

-Valsalva (you will learn more about in the course)


-pelvic organ prolapse,

-tearing to episiotomy and

-lots of internal pressure.

I got tired of seeing women having difficulties after delivery and being coached incorrectly on pushing their babies. So, I started this course to help women birth from their inner core to have an easy and speedy postpartum vaginal recovery.

Course objective: You will learn a lifelong technique called core/abdominal pushing (Birthing from The Core) to coach, educate and guide yourself or birthing partner on breathing correctly, activating and engaging your/their core muscles for birthing.

Class Outline:

-What is Birthing From The Core?


-Birthing Mechanics

-The Benefits of Core Pushing

-Brief Anatomy of the Torso

-How to Locate the Pelvic Floor

-Target Practice of the Torso & Pelvic Floor

-Manipulation Of Perineal Good or Not Good

-Four (4) Hands-on Exercises on Lengthen Pelvic Muscles & Soften Tissue

-STOP, Don’t Hold Your Breath 

-Learn the Core/Abdominal Pushing Technique

Meet Tyona

A First Time Momma

My laboring experience was one of the most liberating moments I’ve ever had. Thanks to my doula, I took time to prepare for birth mentally, spiritually, and physically. I prayed for strength, courage, and clarity that a natural birth was a part of my journey. Every day I spoke positive affirmations over my body and my child; affirmations such as, “I am one with my body”, “I am in control”, “My son and I are in alignment with each other”. In speaking those words into the atmosphere, I also did the foot work, listening to my doula, keeping myself healthy by being attentive to what I was consuming. My daily intake consisted of nutrient filled foods + 6 to 8 bottles of water, give or take juiced vegetables. As suggested, at the start of my 3rd trimester I began drinking red raspberry leaf tea, which softens the cervix. I also stretched and lightly exercised daily, for as long as I could and most importantly, I practiced my breathing.

As a first-time mommy, I didn’t grasp the validity of breathing techniques however, breathing, from my core is what lead me through a successful, unmedicated, non-tearing, at home, water birth. I encourage women to get in tuned with your body and educate yourself on what you must do to properly guide your body and baby through such a traumatic event. As instructed, I implemented core breathing during contractions. This breathing technique made pushing easier and I could feel myself helping my baby to descend. Additionally, I constantly maneuvered into positions that would open me up such as, squatting, side lunges, butterfly stretching, I believe doing this and the preparation of softening my cervix prevented tearing. Within 24 hours of post-partum, I took an herbal bath, rested, and consumed hot soup and teas. It did take 6-8 weeks for my body to fully recover however, after the first few days I was up and moving, taking my healthy baby to his first doctor’s appointment. I wouldn’t change a thing about that day.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I get a refund if I'm unhappy with my purchase?

This course is non-refundable. Once course is taken you are not eligible for refund. Refunds are only granted if you get called out of training for a birth.

How do I join the live workshop?

Upon purchasing Birthing from The Core, you'll receive further instructions on how to join the live workshop.

Can I purchase mentoring once workshop is over?

Absolutely! If you find yourself in need of coaching more than once, simply purchase the Mentoring Plan above.